Dog Gone Republicans!

~ Dog Gone Democrats  Mission Statement ~

Welcome to Dog Gone Democrats.  This website, in conjunction with Dog Gone Republicans, is a ‘name them and shame them’ website.  Following, you will find a list of names of disgraced, discredited, or un-reputable Democratic politicians, and their photos.  This list is by no means complete, and it is constantly being updated with your help.  Names are arranged in alphabetical order.

Following each politician’s name is their State, the last public office of trust they held, the dates of their term of office, and a brief description of the nature of their crimes or misdemeanors, or if no charges against them have been officially filed, then at least a brief description of their alleged offences and their status.  The FBI has a Most Wanted List.  Dog Gone Democrats publishes a Most Un-wanted List of Democratic Politicians!

I am sick and tired of seeing my country be governed by a bunch of morally challenged degenerates!  This website is a virtual ‘Hall of Shame.’  Since many of today’s politicians don’t seem to value character or integrity, nor do they have any honor, those of them that are caught doing wrong must be exposed and not forgotten, in order to instill the necessary fear factor in the others, which should serve as a deterrent to the rest of the members of their profession.  For members of the general public, which are like spectators to all of the political gamesmanship that is going on, we will now at least have a way to be able to keep score! 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Finally, every year an online pole will be taken of readers and ‘The Biggest Stinker’ Award will be presented to the most disgraceful, disgusting, and unreputable Democratic politician of the year.  The winner will be prominently displayed in a special place on the website with the Scarlet Letters, BS   placed after their name!  Just for the record, the BS stands for ‘Biggest Stinker!’

Stay tuned